Comeback Kid
Too many boys in my life have told me they like me better when I'm drunk.
A little loose, a little tipsy, a little doesn't-mind-hands-on-waist-creeping-lower.
They say I'm more fun like that;
and I think,
Of course I am.
The night I get too drunk and climb those stone pillars in the middle of campus
you say I'm being reckless,
And I say,
"Isn’t this the way you like me?
When I'm on the edge?
When you know your hands are the only thing
keeping me from jumping?"
You say I'm being reckless,
and I say,
"I'm indestructible."
I show you all the places people loved me too roughly,
all the places people tried to call their own;
They're still my own.
I tell you of the other boy who also liked me better when I was drunk.
How he chewed me whole and spit me back out.
I tell you how being reckless now comes naturally.
Comes as survival.
Comes as the only thing I'm good at.
The only thing I'll ever be good at.